Vir2 Instruments - Mojo Horn Section [VSTi+RTAS+AU][2DVD]
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Vir2 Instruments - Mojo Horn Section
![]() Системные требования: Mac: OS 10.4.x, G5 1.4gHz or higher, 1GB RAM, Kontakt 3.5 Air PC: Windows XP SP2, 1.4gHz or higher, 1GB RAM, Kontakt 3.5 Air Язык интерфейса: только английский Таблэтка: Присутствует Описание: Mojo - инструмент от компании Vir2 предоставляющий в Ваше распоряжение полноценную секцию духовых инструментов. Этот инструмент будет незаменим для многих стилей музыка, для Джаза в первую очередь. Инструмент включает в себя все инструменты духовой секции (список ниже). Имеется возможность имитации игры человека (HUMANIZING) Контроль характера звука и моделирование вибрато (на основе физического моделирования) которое так важно для духовых инструментов, особенно таких как саксофон. Возможность создания всех артикуляций присущих духовым инструментам. Демо можно послушать на сайте разработчиков. Описание (англ.): Now at the tips of your fingers is the most versatile horn section in the world, MOJO: Horn Section, offering the most flexible and innovative approach to pop, funk, jazz, and big band horns ever created in a virtual instrument. Inspired by legendary groups like Tower of Power and the big bands of decades past, MOJO is capable of emulating everything from a sultry sax solo to a screaming full big band playing at the top of their lungs. Pushing the boundaries of sampling and scripting technology far beyond traditional sample libraries, MOJO offers a simple but feature-packed interface. No need to decide in advance which articulation you want to play. Simply load the instrument, turn the Ensemble knob to specify how many players you want playing that instrument (from a soloist to a dectet) and begin controlling the instrument from the keyboard. More than a dozen articulations are instantly loaded and intelligently handled via performance features and keyswitches. Behind the scenes, a humanizing function, smart release layers, and custom legato and vibrato tools assist the player in reproducing the ultimate dimensions in realism. Crescendos and swells sync instantly to host tempos and can be triggered in real time. Included in the instrument collection are: soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone saxophones, trumpet (open, muted, and piccolo), flugelhorn, trombone (open and muted), bass trombone, and clarinet. The articulation list varies for each instrument, but generally includes sustains, stabs, staccatos, trills, slurs, shakes, octave runs, rise to hits, falls (including four different lengths), doits, bends, stylistic riffs, special effects, and tempo-synced swells and crescendos. All samples are recorded in 24-bit stereo using the finest preamps in the world, including a vintage Neve 1073 and a LaChapell Audio 992EG, and mics by AKG, Neumann, and Coles. MOJO is powered by the popular Kontakt engine, offering total integration into all major sequencers via its AudioUnit, VST, and RTAS plug-ins, as well as standalone operation. Список инструментов:
Другие особенности: Articulation List (varies by instrument)
Release Types (varies by instrument)
Integrated Engines
Playing Modes
Built-in Effects
Контрольные суммы: DVD1 MD5: 54d6fc43eaf3527d56223043ffa0e68d SHA1: 160258d79e57dca551874a39e0c610c5c08da287 CRC32: 3bd9e05e DVD2 MD5: 15fe3cbebbec3f4614037aecdf26b2ce SHA1: d09242c3ad5b58d537968738948c8e34418f2b99 CRC32: bd0e0f1c .nfo: ЬЬ ЬЬЬ ЯЯ ЬЬЫЫЯ ЬЬЫЯ ЬЬЫЫЫЫЫЫЬ ЬЬЫЯЫЫЫЯ ЬЫЫЯ ЬЫЫЯЯ ЯЫЫЫ ЬЫЯ ЬЬЫЯЯ ЬЫЫЫ ЬЫЫЫ ЬЫЫЫЫЫЬЬЬЫЫЯЯ ЯЫЬ ЯЫЫЬЬЬ ЬЬЬЫЫЫЫЯЯЯЫЫЫЫ ЬЫЫЫ ЬЫЫЫЯЫЬЬЬЬ ЬЬЬЫЫЯ ЯЫЫЫЫЫЫЫЫЫЫЫЯЯ ЯЫЫЫ ЯЫЫЫЬ ЯЯЫЬ ЯЯЯЫЫЫЫЫЫЫЫЫЫЫЫЯ ЬЬЫЫЫЬЬЬ ЯЯЯЯЯ Ь ЯЯЫЬЬ ЯЯЯЯ Ь ЯЯЯЯЯЯ ЬЬЬЫЫЫЬЬ ЬЫЫЫЯЯЯЯЫЫЫЬЬЬ ЬЬЬЫЫЯ ЬЬЬЬЬ ЬЬЬЬЬЬЬ ЬЬЬЬЬЬ ЯЫЫЬЬЬ ЬЬЬЫЫЫЯЯЯЯЫЫЫЬ ЫЫЫ ЯЯЯЯЯЯЯ ЫЫЫ ЯЯЫЫЫЬЬЬ ЫЫЫ ЫЫЫ ЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯ ЫЫЫ ЫЫЬ ЯЯЯЯЯ ЯЯЯЯЯЯЯ ЯЯЯЯЯЯ ЬЫЫ ЫЬ ЬЫ Ы Vir2.Instruments.Mojo.Horn.Section.HYBRID.DVDR.D1 Ы ЯЫ ЫЯ Ы SUPPLIER..: TEAM AiRiSO CRACKER....: TEAM AiR Ы Ы PACKER....: TEAM AiRISO PROTECTION.: RAS-2 Ы Ы DATE......: 09/2009 Ы Ы SiZE......: 83 * 100MB Ы Ы SYSTEM....: [ю]WiNXP [ю]OSX Ы Ы FORMAT....: [ю]VSTi [ ]DXi [ю]RTAS [ю]AU [ ]REASON Ы Ы [ ]GiGA [ ]WAV [ ]CDDA [ ]REX [ ]KONTAKT Ы Ы [ ]EXS [ ]HALion [ю]Standalone Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Mojo: Horn Section Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Now at the tips of your fingers is the most Ы Ы versatile horn section in the world, MOJO: Horn Ы Ы Section, offering the most flexible and innovative Ы Ы approach to pop, funk, jazz, and big band horns ever Ы Ы created in a virtual instrument. Inspired by Ы Ы legendary groups like Tower of Power and the big Ы Ы bands of decades past, MOJO is capable of emulating Ы Ы everything from a sultry sax solo to a screaming Ы Ы full big band playing at the top of their lungs. Ы Ы Ы Ы Pushing the boundaries of sampling and scripting Ы Ы technology far beyond traditional sample libraries, Ы Ы MOJO offers a simple but feature-packed interface. Ы Ы No need to decide in advance which articulation you Ы Ы want to play. Simply load the instrument, turn the Ы Ы Ensemble knob to specify how many players you want Ы Ы playing that instrument (from a soloist to a dectet) Ы Ы and begin controlling the instrument from the Ы Ы keyboard. More than a dozen articulations are Ы Ы instantly loaded and intelligently handled via Ы Ы performance features and keyswitches. Behind the Ы Ы scenes, a humanizing function, smart release layers, Ы Ы and custom legato and vibrato tools assist the Ы Ы player in reproducing the ultimate dimensions in Ы Ы realism. Crescendos and swells sync instantly to Ы Ы host tempos and can be triggered in real time. Ы Ы Ы Ы Included in the instrument collection are: soprano, Ы Ы alto, tenor, and baritone saxophones, trumpet (open, Ы Ы muted, and piccolo), flugelhorn, trombone (open and Ы Ы muted), bass trombone, and clarinet. The Ы Ы articulation list varies for each instrument, but Ы Ы generally includes sustains, stabs, staccatos, Ы Ы trills, slurs, shakes, octave runs, rise to hits, Ы Ы falls (including four different lengths), doits, Ы Ы bends, stylistic riffs, special effects, and Ы Ы tempo-synced swells and crescendos. All samples are Ы Ы recorded in 24-bit stereo using the finest preamps Ы Ы in the world, including a vintage Neve 1073 and a Ы Ы LaChapell Audio 992EG, and mics by AKG, Neumann, and Ы Ы Coles. Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы MOJO is powered by the popular Kontakt engine, Ы Ы offering total integration into all major sequencers Ы Ы via its AudioUnit, VST, and RTAS plug-ins, as well Ы Ы as standalone operation. Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Install: Ы Ы Ы Ы 1) Unrar and mount or burn. If serial is requested, Ы Ы use: [см. .nfo-файл из раздачи] Ы Ы Ы Ы 2) PC: Run the MOJO installer from DVD. Ы Ы Use precracked Kontakt Player 3.5.0 Setup.exe Ы Ы from Crack/PC dir to install. Ы Ы (NOT the Kontakt Player install from DVD) Ы Ы Ы Ы 3) MAC : Use MOJO from DVD and Ы Ы replace cracked files from Crack/MAC dir. Ы Ы (Patch is for Intel only) Ы Ы Ы Ы 4) After installation apply files from Ы Ы Updates dir to your MOJO Library Ы Ы Ы Ы 5) Enjoy this fine Team AiRISO release !!! Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы NOTE: If you have Kontakt v3.5 full version Ы Ы installed, you dont need to install this Ы Ы Kontakt Player. Its all up to you! Ы ЬЫ ЫЬ ЬЫ ЫЬ ЬЫЯ ЯЫЬ ЬЫЫЯ ЯЫЫЬ ЫЫЫ ЫЫЫ ЯЫЫЬ ЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬ Ь Ь Ь Ь ЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬ ЬЫЫЯ ЯЯЫЫЫЬЬЬЯЯ nFO lAYOUT (c) 2006 bEARCAVE-dESIGN ЯЯЬЬЬЫЫЫЯЯ |
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