## Installation as Host
- Download and extract the ***content *** (not the folder itself) of the `Server` and `Client` folder to your EFT folder
- Open the `coopConfig.json` inside `user/mods/MPTCoop/config/`
- Fill in your WAN IP into the `externalIP` field (you can find it at [ipv4.icanhazip.com](
https://ipv4.icanhazip.com/)) or VPN IP if using Hamachi, Radmin, etc.
- Go to your `Server/configs` folder inside the `Aki_Data` folder and open up `http.json`
- Change the `ip` field to your local computers LAN IP (or VPN IP if using Hamachi, Radmin, etc.)
- Start the AKI Server
- Start your launcher and connect to your WAN IP (click 'Settings' to change it)
- In-game, open `Configuration Manager` by pressing 'F12' and set up your settings.
## Configuration as Host
Most settings are self-explanatory but here are some key settings.
- **UDP Port**: The port that the server should try to host on when starting a game. This port must be port forwarded or it will be opened automatically if you use `UPnP`.
- **Use UPnP**: If enabled, MPT will try to map port forwarding using UPnP-protocols automatically. For this to work your router must have support for UPnP and it has to be enabled. Some routers don't work with the current implementation of UPnP, in most cases older and 4G-routers.
- **Force IP**: If not empty, this IP will be sent to the backend so that clients will be forced to try to connect to this IP when joining your game.
- **Force Bind IP**: If not empty, this IP will be used when the server gets created when starting a game. Normally the server binds itself to your LAN IP, but if you are using a VPN you might want to use this to force it to bind to the VPN-adapter instead.
- **Max Bots**: The max amount of bots that can be alive ***at the same time***. This is very beneficial if you are on a slower PC, or just for a smoother experience in general. This does not reduce the amount of bots that will appear in total during the course of the raid.
## Installation as Client
1. Extract the content of the `Client` folder to your EFT folder.
2. Start your launcher and connect to the hosts WAN IP (click 'Settings' to change it)
3. In-game, open `Configuration Manager` by pressing 'F12' and set up your settings.
## Recommended Hardware
**CPU**: Intel: i7 10700k | AMD: 5800x3d
**GPU**: Anything above RTX 2070 or 6600XT should run fine
**SSD** is mandatory. Do not try to run this on a hard drive (**HDD**).
Most of the strain from MPT is on the CPU due to the amount of packets being built by the host every tick. Most performance gains will be from upgrading your CPU and possibly RAM if you are having issues.
## Port forwarding as Host
1. Port forward 6969 TCP on your router to your LAN IP, this is used to connect to the AKI-server.
2. Port forward the chosen UDP port (default 25565) on your router to your LAN IP. This step has to be done by anyone who wants to click "Host" in-game. If your router does not support port forwarding or is locked down, but you have the option to use UPnP it's worth trying that too.
Whenever you or a client gets a firewall notification, you ***have to allow*** it on both **private** and **public**.
This is not required if you are playing within the same network.