
Чемпионат России уступает по силе первенствам Узбекистана и Вьетнама [Спорт]

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Красный Метеор

Пол: Пол:Муж

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post 23-Июл-2010 14:56 [-]0[+]


Международная федерация футбольной истории и статистики опубликовала новый рейтинг национальных чемпионатов, в котором российская премьер-лига занимает скромное 42-е место.

Возглавляет список испанская Примера, на втором месте расположился чемпионат Бразилии, а замыкает тройку сильнейших аргентинское первенство. Следом идут чемпионаты Италии, Англии, Германии и Франции.
Рейтинг лучших национальных чемпионатов по версии IFFHS:

1. Испания – 580 очков

2. Бразилия – 577

3. Аргентина – 536

4. Италия – 508

5. Англия – 486

6. Германия – 457

7. Франция – 413

8. Перу – 407

9. Чили – 362,5

10. Парагвай – 357,5

…23. Иран – 261

27. Катар – 253

29. Сирия – 236

35. Вьетнам – 219

36. Сингапур – 216

38. Узбекистан – 209,5

40. Белоруссия – 206

42. Россия – 205

47. Украина – 193

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Пол: Пол:Муж

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post 23-Июл-2010 15:00 (спустя 4 минуты) [-]0[+]


Непонятны критерии, по которым этот сомнительный рейтинг составлялся.

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Пол: Пол:Муж

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post 23-Июл-2010 15:04 (спустя 3 минуты) [-]0[+]


Особенно Вьетнам. У них там стадионы то хоть есть?
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post 23-Июл-2010 15:14 (спустя 9 минут) [-]0[+]



Иран ,Катар ,Сирия ,Вьетнам ,Сингапур ,Узбекистан
- должны быть после Украины, и Англию занизили

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Пол: Пол:Муж

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post 23-Июл-2010 15:54 (спустя 39 минут) [-]0[+]


17KOSMOS17 писал(а):

Особенно Вьетнам. У них там стадионы то хоть есть?
Есть. Но то что у них чемпионат сильнее нашего kolob_107

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post 23-Июл-2010 15:57 (спустя 3 минуты) [-]0[+]


Бред. Нет критериев по которым они всё это считали. Полнейший бред.

Темы не проверяю, для этого есть модераторы. В отпуске
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Black Smoke

Пол: Пол:Муж

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post 23-Июл-2010 16:02 (спустя 5 минут) [-]0[+]


Интересно, как считали этот бред?
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Пол: Пол:Муж

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post 23-Июл-2010 16:55 (спустя 52 минуты) [-]0[+]


Слабо назвать хоть одного футболиста из чемпионата Вьетнама или Сингапура?

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Пол: Пол:Муж

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post 23-Июл-2010 18:25 (спустя 1 час 29 минут) [-]0[+]


Я не знал, что во Вьетнаме футбол вообще есть kolob_134
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Пол: Пол:Муж

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post 23-Июл-2010 18:29 (спустя 4 минуты) [-]0[+]


No comments... (Uhaha)

Close your eyes to see the unreal,
Relax your body, be part of this dream.
Drift the world to my fantasy,
The worlds collide, the dream becomes real.
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Пол: Пол:Муж

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post 23-Июл-2010 18:45 (спустя 15 минут) [-]0[+]


Не рейтинг а фигня! kolob_112

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Красный Метеор

Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 15 лет

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post 23-Июл-2010 18:50 (спустя 5 минут) [-]0[+]


The English Premier League is not more the No.1 of the world !

Every July it is possible to make the first assessment of the relative strengths of the various leagues. The methodology for determining the current strength of the national leagues is unchanged since 1991 and has proved to be a sensitive and accurate indicator. It also takes into consideration that, because of the national and international schedules, the South American and West Asian leagues are better placed in the first half of the year and those from Northern and Eastern Europe less so. The current trends by area are as follows:

It may cause a sensation but the reality is that the English Premier League has shown a drop in performance not previously seen in the first decade of the 21st Century. At the beginning of the year the English league had a lead of 110 points ahead of the Spaniards. In the month of July the Spanish Primera División was ahead of the Englishmen by 94 points. That means, for example, that the English clubs must achieve seven more wins than the Spanish clubs in the UEFA club competitions by end of the year if the English league is again to be the No.1.

The trend shows that the Spanish Primera División is on the way to becoming the strongest league in the world. But the gaps to the next placed national leagues are small. And the Italian Serie A has clearly benefited from the triumphal march of "Inter". In comparison FC Bayern München - Germany‘s showpiece team - lost too many matches on the way to Madrid, so this affected the points of the German league.

A similar drop in performance to the Englishmen took place also in the leagues of the Ukraine and Romania. Negative trends have also been shown by the national leagues of the Netherlands, Turkey and Greece while the leagues of Portugal and Belgium remained as constant.

The Brazilian Serie A is still the strongest league in South America, but the Argentinean Primera División has reduced the gap to the Brazilians. Remarkably the Peruvian Primera División takes the 3rd place in the South American leagues at present. But the margin of points to the chasing leagues from Chile, Paraguay, Ecuador and Uruguay are very small.

In Central and Northern America, the Mexican league at No 1 is well clear. But the clubs of the MLS disappointed in the CONCACAF Champions League, following the USA league is now in 88th place. The league from Guatemala is currently ahead of those from the USA, Honduras, El Salvador and Costa Rica, the No.2 in this region. But the margins of points are extremely small, so the positions behind the Mexican Primera División can change almost weekly.

Egypt again has the strongest African league, ahead of the leagues of Algeria, Nigeria, Tunisia, Libya, Angola and Morocco. The Egyptians, Algerians and Tunisians have reverted to the old order. There are currently five North-African leagues among the "Top 60" in the world.

While the national league from Japan, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan have maintained their good placings from end of the year 2009, the leagues from Iran, Kuwait and Qatar have achieved sensational improvements. The Japanese have the best-placed league in the world ranking at present. The impact of improvements in Asian football has taken place gradually and has become apparent in the national leagues, above all in Syria and Vietnam as well as in other Southeast-Asian countries.

In Oceania the margin of points between the leading league (New Zealand) and the other leagues has reduced. But heading the pursuing leagues, ahead of the expected leagues of Tahiti (119th) and Fiji (123rd), is Papua New Guinea league (116th). That is a result of national champions PRK Hekari United unexpectedly winning the Oceanian Champions League.

The "Top 115" leagues are as follows:

National league from Points

1. España 580,0
2. Brasil 577,0
3. Argentina 536,0
4. Italia 508,0
5. England 486,0
6. Deutschland 457,0
7. France 413,0
8. Perú 407,0
9. Chile 362,5
10. Paraguay 357,5
11. Ecuador 342,5
12. Egypt 334,0
13. México 330,0
14. Uruguay 329,0
15. Portugal 324,0
16. Belgique 301,0
17. Colombia 283,5
18. Nederland 276,5
19. Scotland 273,5
20. Algérie 272,5
21. Türkiye 270,0
22. Japan 269,0
23. Iran 261,0
24. Kuwait 259,5
25. Greece 258,5
26. Korea Republic 255,0
27. Qatar 253,0
28. Česká Republika 237,0
29. Syria 236,0
30. Saudi Arabia 234,5
31. Israel 228,0

Nigeria 228,0
33. Danmark 227,5
34. Malaysia 219,5
35. Vietnam 219,0
36. Singapore 216,0
37. Cypern 211,0
38. Tunisie 209,5

Uzbekistan 209,5
40. Belarus 206,0

Northern Ireland 206,0
42. Russia 205,0
43. Georgia 204,0
44. România 200,0
45. Schweiz 194,5
46. Sverige 194,0
47. Ukraina 193,0
48. Österreich 191,0
49. Libya 187,0
50. Thailand 183,5
51. Eesti 182,0
52. Indonesia 181,5
53. Hong Kong 172,5
54. Angola 171,5
55. Éire 170,0
56. Botswana 169,5
57. Yemen 168,0
58. Magyarország 166,0
59. Maroc 165,0
60. UAE 164,5
61. Cameroun 163,5
62. Lebanon 162,0
63. Sudan 161,5
64. Moldova 161,0
65. Jordan 160,5
66. Bolivia 160,0
67. Lietuva 159,0

Polska 159,0
69. Suomi 158,0
70. Armenia 156,0
71. Venezuela 155,0
72. Guatemala 152,5
73. Bahrain 148,5
74. China 148,0
75. South Africa 146,5
76. Hrvatska 144,0
77. Albania 143,0

Bulgaria 143,0
79. Mali 142,0

Srbija 142,0
81. Norge 140,0
82. Zimbabwe 139,0
83. Sénégal 137,5
84. Australia 136,5
85. Zambia 136,0
86. Macedonia 135,5
87. India 130,5
88. USA 129,0
89. Malawi 128,5
90. Côte-d'Ivoire 128,0
91. Ghana 127,0
92. Honduras 126,0
93. El Salvador 124,0
94. Bosne i Hercegovine 123,0

Costa Rica 123,0

Slovenija 123,0
97. Iceland 122,5
98. Ethiopia 119,5
99. Azerbaijan 115,0
100. Latvija 114,5
101. Malta 112,0

Nicaragua 112,0
103. Panamá 108,0

Slovensko 108,0
105. Oman 107,0
106. Swasiland 102,5
107. Burkina Faso 100,5
108. Crna Gora 96,5
109. Tanzania 96,0
110. Uganda 95,5
111. Luxembourg 95,0
112. Wales 91,5
113. Mosambique 90,0
114. Kazakhstan 89,5
115. New Zealand 88,5

The classification of the best leagues of the world is made objectively without any outside influence of any sort. We follow the criteria that the level of performance of a league is reflected by the best classified teams of that league who in turn usually represent their country in international club competitions. If one looks at the football power-houses of the world, one notices that regularly 4 or 5 clubs of their leagues are always competing in continental competitions. By adding the points won in all competitions by the five best placed clubs of each league, we have the points for the country which in turn helps to establish a fair classification. It is important to note that only the yearly classification is representative, since all competitions move along the whole season and over twelve months, we have an objective view of the best. This system has been used since 1991, and it is recognized today as the most precise in rating the leagues of the world.
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Пол: Пол:Муж

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post 23-Июл-2010 19:06 (спустя 15 минут) [-]0[+]


Система там довольна сложная. И по сути представляет интерес только для этой организации.
Поэтому не стоит слишком серьезно относится к ее выводам

info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Пол: Пол:Муж

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post 23-Июл-2010 19:17 (спустя 10 минут) [-]0[+]


новость субъективная
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Пол: Пол:Муж

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post 23-Июл-2010 20:48 (спустя 1 час 31 минута) [-]0[+]



38. Узбекистан – 209,5

40. Белоруссия – 206

42. Россия – 205

47. Украина – 193
Это ваще как о_О

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Van Hohenheim

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О.Святой Елены

post 23-Июл-2010 22:11 (спустя 1 час 23 минуты) [-]0[+]


этот рейтнг расчитывается так же, как и параметры футболистов в симуляторах =D

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Стаж: 15 лет

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post 24-Июл-2010 16:35 (спустя 18 часов) [-]0[+]


я бы посмотрел как тот же зенит будет прыгать по вратарской площади чемпионов вьетнама, занося мячи зубами в ворота, в ацкой агонии Смеюсь
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post 16-Сен-2010 01:20 (спустя 1 месяц 22 дня) [-]0[+]

Топик был перенесен из форума Новости в сети в форум Архив (Новости в сети)

Di Griz
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